- Editorial (by Christophe Bourillon, Executive Director – WFSJ)
- World Conference of Science Journalists 2019: A global summit to foster independent and quality science journalism (by Olivier Dessibourg (SASJ), Yves Sciama (AJSPI), Fabio Turone (SWIM))
- Identity, quality reporting and public engagement: this is what science journalists need (by Vera Novais)
- The Association from Portugal is the newest member of the WFSJ (by Vera Novais)
- Reaching new heights in science journalism. WCSJ2019 puts the spotlight on building skills and promoting investigations (by Andrada Fiscutean)
- New Board of Directors of the WFSJ meet during the WCSJ19.
- Three newly elected members joined the Board of Directors: Dr Sunny Bains (UK), Andrada Fiscutean (Romania) and Harry Surjadi (Indonesia).