World Federation of Science Journalists: Twitter Account


Dear colleagues, members of the WFSJ,

I hope you are keeping well, given the current health situation and accompanying economic impacts. With your mission to make validated facts available to the people, the role of Science Journalists has never been as important as it is now.

One of the Federation’s main means of communication is our Tweeter account. You may not be aware of the fact that, for the past few months, our Tweeter account has been totally managed by science journalists.

We have increased the number of topics of interest to our community such as resources, training offers, jobs and employment, etc. We are also promoting communication in languages other than English and we are trying to highlight valuable initiatives from – or of interest to -members of our community in non-OECD countries.

I am pleased to report that our account has gained a substantial number of followers, reaching 8,000 registered a couple of days ago. Of course, this is only the beginning and we will be continuing our efforts to develop it further.

For those of you who have Tweeter accounts, I am taking this opportunity to invite you not to hesitate to “retweet” our posts to your own followers, especially those related to matters of importance to the Global South.

As always, comments or suggestions are welcome. Feel free to contact me at any time.


Christophe Bourillon I Executive Director
1195, Wellington Street – Montréal (Canada)
4, rue de la Presse – Bruxelles (Belgium)
Cell phone: +33 626 837 058
Twitter: @WFSJ