Ehrung für Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel

Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel wird 
"International Holistic Physician" 2013


Anlässlich einer Konferenz in Kalkuta wurde unser Mitglied Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel, Tochter des langjährigen Mitglieds Klemens Vogel, geehrt. Hier ein Bericht von der Webseite des Indian Board of Alternative Medicines:

Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel of Germany was declared the Student of the Year for the Board and was awarded with the International Holistic Physician of the Year at the 21st International Conference, Convocation and Awards Presentation Ceremony held on the Occasion of United Nations 1st International Day of Happiness on 20th March, 2013 at Kolkata, India. The Award was presented by Swami Atmachaithanya, the leading Spiritual Teacher from Kerala, India.
The Award of the International Holistic Physician of the Year, last given by the Board in 1992, is a highly coveted Award in the field of Alternative Medicines given out once in two decades only to students who have made a significant contribution to the field. To be selected as one of the reciepients of the Award out of more than 1,50,000 students of the Board is an achievement in itself and was a matter of great joy for the Board Members to have found a potential candidate in Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel.

On the occasion of the declaration of the International Holistic Physician of the Year Award, the Board also conferred upon Dr. Eva-Maria Vogel the Doctor of Law in Alternative Medicines, L.L.D.(A.M.), the first ever such Doctorate awarded to a student in Alternative Medicines. The certificate was awarded by Padmashree Dr. Vijay Kumar Shah, Recipient of the Fourth Highest Civilian Award by the Government of India.