Kostenloser Presse-Pass für zehn wissenschaftliche Artikel

Francis Taylor

Kostenloser Presse-Pass für zehn wissenschaftliche Artikel der Wissenschaftsverlages von Taylor & Francis.

Die TELI ist Mitglied in der World Federation of Science Journalists. Deshalb gilt dieses Angebot auch für TELI-Mitglieder.

Feeling inspired to find the next ground-breaking piece of research in your area of specialism? WFSJ is partnering with global academic publisher Taylor & Francis to offer an individual Press Pass to the 10,000 science journalists globally, members of the WFSJ’s 59 Member Associations. This pass enables journalists to access up to 10 articles for free from any of the 4 million+ research articles on Taylor & Francis Online. Find out more here.

Please note that the 10 articles Press Pass does not have an expiry date. However, once you have used the Pass to read a specific article, you will have access to its content for one month.

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